📄️ Account Deletion
If you wish to delete your account on Forum Promotion, you will need to contact an administrator. This guide will help you understand how to effectively reach out to administrators regarding account deletion.
📄️ Account Upgrades
List of account upgrades availaible
📄️ Block & Unblock
Step 1: Ensure that you're logged in to your account
📄️ Connected Accounts
Below is a guide on using connected accounts on FP.
📄️ Follow & Unfollow
Step 1: Ensure that you're logged in to your account
📄️ Resetting Passwords
Step 1: Access Your Account Settings
📄️ Editing your profile
Editing your profile on Forum Promotion is a straightforward process. Follow these steps to customize your profile information, avatar, signature, and other settings.
📄️ Enabling 2FA
Enabling two-factor authentication is a good way to keep your Forum Promotion account secure. It is important to do this as well if you are a staff member for Forum Promotion.
📄️ Updating status
Updating your status on Forum Promotion is a great way to share your current thoughts, activities, or feelings with the community. Follow these simple steps to update your status.